Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
265 lines
; WASM Video Module, Initialization Routines ;
; By Eric Tauck ;
; ;
; Defines: ;
; ;
; ModDim return the screen dimensions ;
; ModGet return the current mode ;
; VidInit initialize the video routines ;
jmp _video1_end
; Symbolic modes.
TEXT4012 EQU 1 ;40 columns, 12 rows
TEXT4014 EQU 2 ;40 columns, 14 rows
TEXT4021 EQU 3 ;40 columns, 21 rows
TEXT4025 EQU 4 ;40 columns, 25 rows
TEXT4028 EQU 5 ;40 columns, 28 rows
TEXT4043 EQU 6 ;40 columns, 43 rows
TEXT4050 EQU 7 ;40 columns, 50 rows
TEXT8012 EQU 8 ;80 columns, 12 rows
TEXT8014 EQU 9 ;80 columns, 14 rows
TEXT8021 EQU 10 ;80 columns, 21 rows
TEXT8025 EQU 11 ;80 columns, 25 rows
TEXT8028 EQU 12 ;80 columns, 28 rows
TEXT8043 EQU 13 ;80 columns, 43 rows
TEXT8050 EQU 14 ;80 columns, 50 rows
; Global video data.
_vid_CVIS EQU 01H ;curor is visible flag
_vid_CACT EQU 02H ;curor is active flag
_vid_flags DB 0 ;current video flags
_vid_colrows LABEL WORD
_vid_cols DB ? ;current column
_vid_rows DB ? ;current row
_vid_page DB ? ;video page
_vid_con DW ? ;cursor-on scan pattern
_vid_coff DW ? ;cursor-off scan pattern
_vid_curadv DB ? ;cursor advance
_vid_attr DB ? ;current attribute
_vid_colrow LABEL WORD
_vid_col DB ? ;current column
_vid_row DB ? ;current row
_vid_base DW ? ;base offset
_vid_addr LABEL DWORD ;current address
_vid_addroff DW ? ; offset
_vid_addrseg DW ? ; segment
; Determine the current screen mode
; dimensions.
; Out: AH= rows; AL= columns.
mov ah, 15 ;get video information function
int 10H ;execute
push ax ;save columns
mov al, 25 ;default rows
push ax ;save that
;--- get EGA/VGA row information
mov ah, 12H ;EGA alternate function
mov bl, 10H ;information subfunction
int 10H ;execute
cmp bl, 10H ;check if EGA or VGA present
je _mddim1 ;jump if not
push bp
push es
mov ax, 1130H ;get font info function
sub bh, bh ;font pointer (just in case)
int 10H ;execute
pop es
pop bp
pop ax ;drop old value
inc dl ;increment rows
push dx
;--- finished
_mddim1 pop dx ;restore rows
mov ah, dl ;return in AH
pop dx ;restore columns
mov al, dh ;return in AL
; Get the current mode.
; Out: AL= mode; CY= set if error.
push di
;--- make sure in valid mode (i.e. not graphics)
mov ah, 15 ;get video information function
int 10H ;execute
mov cx, 5 ;number of valid modes
mov di, OFFSET _vid_validtex ;address of table
repne ;repeat until found
scasb ;scan
jne _mdget1 ;jump if error
;--- determine text mode
call ModDim ;get current dimesions
mov cx, 14 ;load number of modes
mov di, OFFSET _vid_texmodes ;address of table
repne ;repeat until found
scasw ;scan
jne _mdget1 ;jump if error
mov ax, cx ;return mode
inc ax ;adjust mode
pop di
;--- error
_mdget1 sub ax, ax ;return 0
pop di
;--- data
_vid_validtex DB 0, 1, 2, 3, 7
_vid_texmodes DW (50*256)+80, (43*256)+80, (28*256)+80
DW (25*256)+80, (21*256)+80, (14*256)+80
DW (12*256)+80, (50*256)+40, (43*256)+40
DW (28*256)+40, (25*256)+40, (21*256)+40
DW (14*256)+40, (12*256)+40
; Set current video address.
; In: AH= row; AL= column.
_vid_setaddr PROC NEAR
mov dl, al ;save column
mov al, ah ;put row in AL
mul al, _vid_cols ;row times columns
sub dh, dh ;DX has columns
add ax, dx ;add columns
shl ax ;offset from start of buffer
add ax, _vid_base ;add base address
mov _vid_addroff, ax ;save offset
; Initialize video data.
; Out: CY= set if error.
call ModDim ;get screen dimensions
mov _vid_colrows, ax ;save columns and rows
mov ah, 0FH ;get video info function
int 10H ;execute
mov _vid_page, bh ;save page
mov cx, 5 ;number of valid hardware modes
mov bx, OFFSET _vid_addrs ;address of mode data
_vdini1 cmp [bx], al ;check if mode matches
je _vdini3 ;exit loop if so
add bx, 4 ;next entry
loop _vdini1 ;loop back if more
;--- error
_vdini2 stc
;--- base screen address
_vdini3 push WORD [bx+2]
pop _vid_addrseg ;set video segment
call ModGet ;get current mode
jc _vdini2
mov bl, al
dec bl
sub bh, bh
shl bx ;times two, page size table offset
mov al, _vid_page ;current page
sub ah, ah
mul ax, [_vid_psize+bx] ;offset to current page
mov _vid_base, ax ;save base offset
;--- starting cursor location
mov ah, 3 ;cursor location function
mov bh, _vid_page ;current page
int 10H ;execute
mov _vid_con, cx ;save cursor-on scan pattern
mov _vid_coff, 2000H ;cursor-off scan pattern
or _vid_flags, _vid_CVIS or _vid_CACT ;set cursor flags
mov ax, dx
mov _vid_colrow, ax ;save column and row
call _vid_setaddr ;set cursor address
;--- current attribute
mov ah, 8 ;read character/attribute function
mov bh, _vid_page ;current page
int 10H ;execute
mov _vid_attr, ah ;save
;--- done
;--- base addresses of the hardware modes
_vid_addrs LABEL WORD
DW 00H, 0B800H
DW 01H, 0B800H
DW 02H, 0B800H
DW 03H, 0B800H
DW 07H, 0B000H
;--- page sizes of the video modes
_vid_psize LABEL WORD
DW 40 * 12 * 2 + 256 ;M4012
DW 40 * 14 * 2 + 256 ;M4014
DW 40 * 21 * 2 + 256 ;M4021
DW 800H ;M4025, on most adapters
DW 40 * 28 * 2 + 256 ;M4028
DW 40 * 43 * 2 + 256 ;M4043
DW 40 * 50 * 2 + 256 ;M4050
DW 80 * 12 * 2 + 256 ;M8012
DW 80 * 14 * 2 + 256 ;M8014
DW 80 * 21 * 2 + 256 ;M8021
DW 1000H ;M8025, on most adapters
DW 80 * 28 * 2 + 256 ;M8028
DW 80 * 43 * 2 + 256 ;M8043
DW 80 * 50 * 2 + 256 ;M8050